Wednesday, August 12, 2009


This is the before:

This is the after...

I don't know if you can tell in the pictures but the walls and ceiling are now all textured and painted. I have 2 cabinet doors I have to repaint (they got ruined in the chaos), and of course decide where I'm going to put everything (decorating stuff). I'm sooooooo happy with the way it turned out, the colors are very fresh and relaxing! And now on to the next project...


  1. I am itching to see the after now!
    My best friend growing up lived in MT for a long time, she went to the Montana Wilderness School of the Bible, love the place so much she moved out there permanently. She moved to Florida a few years ago, and misses MT fiercely!

    Yes, that is this years canning list, I'm having canning burnout at the moment...

  2. OOOhhh! I like it!
    She went in '99- I think maybe '98? Her name was Elisha Pirogowicz, if that name rings any bells with him. The director (whose name is escaping me) is the brother of my in-laws pastors wife.

    Thanks for the tip about the canning queen!

  3. Oh my word...I love it!! I love beadboard...I especially love the box thing you have your cookbooks in. Awesome...I have the younger sister to your red kitchenaid!!

  4. LOVE the bead board and the colors are so good!! Do you hire out?!? :-)

    IE: have paint brush will travel.......
